Jimerson Law Firm, P.C.

Top 12 Reasons to Update Your Will Today

There are certain events or changes that occur that you may not even be aware make it time for you to update your will. If you start to make more money, own property or when your children are older impact the status of your will. You could have appointed an executor or guardian and some life events have significantly impacted them that were unexpected. You can have fallen in love with a new charity or cause and want to update that on your will. Even simple things like moving to another state with a change in laws require a will to be updated. Review the list below and let’s talk about the importance updating your will today!  #wills  #estate planning #probate  http://www.jimersonlawfirm.com

Here are a few reasons to rewrite your will and update it today:
? Birth or adoption of a child/grandchild
? Marriage/divorce
? Death of someone named in your will
? Children have reached the age of eighteen
? A change in the circumstances of your executor, guardians, trustees, etc.
? You would like to provide for a charitable or other organization
? A significant increase or decrease in the value of your estate
? You have started a business
? A change in tax laws
? You are approaching the age at which you are required to begin taking distributions from your IRA, 401(k), or other qualified plan (usually 70 years old)
? You have moved out of state
? It has been three years or more since you have reviewed your will

Jimerson Law Firm, P.C.
225 S. Meramec, Suite 508
St. Louis, MO 63105


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Attorney Herman Jimerson caters all your legal needs from Criminal Defense to Personal Injury Cases throughout Missouri.