(314) 786-3536


Common Types of Slip & Fall Injuries

Slip and Fall Injuries Common Types that come from Negligence There are approximately 8 million trips to the emergency room every year that are attributed to slipping, tripping or falling. Here are some common incidents that may stem from negligence of an employer or business. Many people are unaware that…Read more
Estate Planning for Unmarried Couples

Estate Plans for Unmarried Couples Even if you are not “legally” married you will want to be prepared in the event of your unexpected death or the death of your partners. If you are not legally married then your partner will not be entitled to any Social Security or other…Read more
Texting While Driving Means Negligence

Texting While Driving Means Negligence According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), every day about 9.5 people are killed and 1,000 are injured by distracted driving.Texting while driving is the most dangerous form of driver distraction. More people today are preoccupied with their cell phones and don’t see…Read more
End of Life Matters

End of Life Matters are You Ready?   Two thirds of Americans are not prepared for end of life by avoiding the most necessary plans. Do you have a health care directive? You think I don’t need to worry about that now and put it off till later. Procrastination in…Read more
Five Advantages of a Living Trust

Five Advantages of a Living Trust The best time to prepare a Living Trust is when you are healthy and can make sound financial decisions. It will provide a secure future for your loved ones and save them from hours in the court process. Thank You Great information with great…Read more
If you’re wealthy Inmate, you can hang yourself and take Guards with You

Is prison security equal? This may be a rhetorical question because of the simple fact that someone in prison is theoretically always secure. But are some prisoners more secure because of their wealth? Jeffrey Epstein, the multimillionaire who allegedly committed rape of underage children, was found hanging in his jail…Read more
Do Something Different to Get a Different Result! CREATE YOUR OWN BUSINESS!

Create your own Business. You’ve been thinking about it for years but somehow life got in the way. You’ve had wonderful ideas in the night, just to abandon them when the alarms remind you that you’re running late for work. Those ideas are Universal Gifts to you. They’re the seed…Read more
Protect Your Assets!

Protect, Protect, Protect. Did I mention protect? I can’t say it enough. Protect all your actions. Create the right entities to get the maximum results from your efforts. Create entities such as: living trusts which gives probate protection; corporations which gives tax benefits and personal liability protections; Family Limited Partnerships,…Read more
Top 6 Reasons to Hire a Personal Injury Attorney

Injured in a Car Accident? Top 6 Reasons to Hire a Personal Injury Attorney 1. Manage the legal aspects of your case so that you can focus on recovering. Having a car accident is a big deal. Your personal property may be damaged. You may have incurred injuries and experience…Read more

It’s easy to procrastinate when it comes to certain tasks (especially when they’re related to estate planning). But don’t you always feel better when you can check something off your to-do list? Misconceptions about estate planning can make the process of creating a plan more confusing than it needs to…Read more